Elevate Health is located on Oahu and offers an array of natural health services to help patients heal and live a healthy life.
creating & maintaining a healthY life

naturopathic medicine
Elevate Health believes naturopathic medicine is the most logical, humanistic approach to primary health care. Every patient has a unique set of circumstances affecting his or her physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health, so time and consideration must be given to adequately address each patient’s health concerns.
Cancer Support & Therapy
The metabolic approach to cancer is a methodology in which we leverage a metabolic state that weakens cancer cells while improving the overall milieu of healthy cells and immune modulation. In addition, the metabolic approach aims to discover any contributing underlying factors and deal with them, if possible.

Philosophy of Care
“I believe in, and have repeatedly witnessed, the innate ability of the body to heal itself. I believe the way we nourish ourselves with food and hydration, thoughts, community and chosen activities, influences our health outcomes more than anything. It is my goal to empower patients to create a path to healing. I love seeing people evolve to a place of feeling optimistic and in control of how they feel and live.” – Dr. Allison Gandre