What is the Metabolic Approach to Cancer?
In very simple terms, the metabolic approach to cancer is a methodology in which we leverage a metabolic state that weakens cancer cells while simultaneously improving the overall milieu of healthy cells and immune modulation. In addition, the metabolic approach aims to discover any contributing underlying factors and deal with them, if possible.
MATC-trained doctors acknowledge and understand that every person dealing with cancer has a unique set of contributing factors and circumstances related to their health and diagnosis. This is why putting people on a pre-determined protocol for a particular tumor type tends to fail the patient.
MATC-certified doctors understand:
- The importance of putting the patient first in cancer care
- The methodology, Test, Assess, Address™, for reversing chronic disease and managing cancer symptoms
- An integrative approach combining standard of care, naturopathic medicine, and complementary therapies
- How to improve outcomes, quality of life, and eventually, prevent cancer all together
The Metabolic Approach to Cancer requires thorough testing and assessment, so patients can be addressed properly. Continuous reassessment is necessary to understanding how a person is responding and generally progressing in their health journey. Anyone embarking on this path should be willing to take a realistic look at their diet, lifestyle, circadian rhythm, stressors and history. The Terrain Ten. (TM) Assessment of Genetics and Epigenetics, Blood Sugar Balance, Toxic Burden, Microbiome and Digestive Function, Immune Function, Inflammation, Blood Circulation and Angiogenesis, Hormone Balance, Stress and Biorhythms and Mental and Emotional Health are analyzed with every patient.
Local Regional Hyperthermia with Thermofield
Thermofield Hyperthermia is a groundbreaking medical device with enormous potential to improve cancer treatment. By sending large amounts of electromagnetic energy deep into targeted tissue, it can safely elevate tumor temperatures to levels above 114 degrees Fahrenheit, the heat level shown in peer-reviewed research to destroy cancer cells and stimulate a significant increase in heat shock proteins. Cancer cells have dysfunctional metabolism and cannot dispel heat the way our healthy cells can, so they compound heat, weakening them and creating a surge in heat shock proteins. The surge in extracellular heat shock proteins stimulates the immune system to launch a persistent attack against the tumor.
Uses of Local Hyperthermia with Thermofield include :
- Adjunctive Cancer Treatment
- Reducing pain
- Treating Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
- Pelvic Floor/Vaginal/urogenital rejuvenation
How Does Targeted Hyperthermia Benefit Cancer Treatment?
- Triggers the immune system to recognize and fight cancer
- Alters the tumor microenvironment making cancer cells more vulnerable to all therapies, integrative and standard of care.
- Improves Chemotherapy Efficacy up to 500%, improves radiation efficacy up to 300%
- Induces Cancer Cell Apoptosis (cell death)
- Reduces cancer pain by reducing pressure on adjacent nerve tissue
- Reduces drug resistance, has been shown to reverse drug resistance
- Shrinks tumors making them easier to remove surgically
Treatments tend to be well tolerated and comfortable, lasting 45 minutes for cancer treatment.
A typical treatment regimen is 2-3 x a week for 2 months or longer. Ideally, synergistic anti-cancer treatments are given during or immediately after the hyperthermia treatment.
Hyperthermia has proven synergistic with:
- Mistletoe Therapy
- IV Vitamin C
- Quercetin
- Photodynamic Therapy
- Radiation
- Chemotherapy
- Immunotherapy
The Thermofield is not yet FDA approved for the treatment of any condition. There are no guarantees of benefit or treatment response.
Hannon, Gary & Tansi, Felista & Hilger, Ingrid & Prina-Mello, Adriele. (2021). The Effects of Localized Heat on the Hallmarks of Cancer. Advanced Therapeutics. 2000267. 10.1002/adtp.202000267. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/adtp.202000267
Why Use Oxygen Therapies in Cancer?
In our HEALTHY or injured, NON-cancerous cells, optimizing oxygen can enhance cellular health and repair. In CANCER cells, oxygenating has the OPPOSITE effect, reducing it’s growth and potential.
In CANCER cells, a LOW oxygen or hypoxic environment ENHANCES tumor growth and metabolism. Flooding the tumor environment with oxygen has been shown to DECREASE tumor cell survival, angiogenesis and metastasis. Increased oxygen in the tumor environment has been shown to alter gene expression to a LESS tumorigenic metabolism.
Some of the Known Mechanisms of Oxygen Therapy Suppressing Cancer include:
1. Lowers HIF-1. (Hypoxia Induction Factor)
2. Lowers Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition (EMT)
3. Lowers N-cadherin
4. Lowers Receptor Tyrosine Kinase AXL expression
5. Lowers VEGF (Vasoendothelial Growth Factor)
6. Increases Apoptosis
Moen I, Stuhr LE. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and cancer–a review. Target Oncol. 2012 Dec;7(4):233-42.
doi: 10.1007/s11523-012-0233-x. Epub 2012 Oct 2. PMID: 23054400; PMCID: PMC3510426.
Moen I, Tronstad KJ, Kolmannskog O, Salvesen GS, Reed RK, Stuhr LE. Hyperoxia increases the uptake
of 5-fluorouracil in mammary tumors independently of changes in interstitial fluid pressure and tumor
stroma. BMC Cancer. 2009 Dec 17;9:446. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-9-446. PMID: 20017908; PMCID:
Stępień K, Ostrowski RP, Matyja E. Hyperbaric oxygen as an adjunctive therapy in treatment of malignancies, including brain tumours. Med Oncol. 2016 Sep;33(9):101. doi: 10.1007/s12032-016-0814-0. Epub 2016 Aug 2. PMID: 27485098; PMCID: PMC4971045.